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Instilling Values in Children with Stories

I Made Sedia - Get Inspired

I Made Sidia is a world-renowned Wayang Puppeteer and trainer, based in Bali. I had the opportunity to interview him during my trip to Bali and also watch him, his son and his daughter perform. In his interview, he emphasizes the importance of storytelling ( in whatever form ) and how it can help instil values in children. Stories can also help community building and can keep a dying culture alive. For more watch the video.

Who is God?

Who is God?

Yes! The question that keeps buzzing in one’s head – especially when one begins to ‘grow-up’. Who is God? Did you ask your mother this when you were a kid? Most probably not. You just sat beside her, holding her dupatta, shyly – folding your hands and devoutly – bowing your head. Why would you … Read more

Why Should You Read to Your Child?

Why Should You Read to Your Child?

Parents often ask me for advice on parenting. Some worry about a spirited child and want her to calm down while other stress about a quiet child and want her to come out of her shell. On almost all occasions I find myself telling them to just let the child be. Am I an expert … Read more