3 Types of Reading Routines to Enhance Reading Skills
3 reading routines that can be implemented in the classroom to improve reading skills and foster strong language & cognitive development.
3 reading routines that can be implemented in the classroom to improve reading skills and foster strong language & cognitive development.
Storytelling helps build 21st century skills in children. This article points out why stories are an important tool for learning?
5 Books that parents / guardians should read along with their children.
This article focuses on what is phonics and why phonics needs to be implemented in Indian schools as a separate subject. Primary school teachers need to be trained in phonics to help raise readers in the the classroom.
Read this article to find out how you can help build your child’s vocabulary in the early years. Watch a video on how to improve your child’s vocabulary.
Reading books regularly to your child can help in their development. Here are 23 books recommended by experts for your child aged 0-7 years.
Punctuations: I am retiring. Period. Grammar: Are you, now? And, pray, what am I supposed to do? I feel dejected. Spellings: You cannot comprehend the anguish of being stripped off your beauty and be turned into something barely recognisable. Creativity: Whine all you want. No one is listening. Pay heed, my friends, to the era … Read more
Picture books are essential for both children and adults. It triggers imagination not just in kids but also in adults, since a lot is left on interpretation.
For starters you should start talking to your baby as soon as you find out you have company. Yes! It’s true. I know it might seem silly to talk to your tummy; well it did to me…
Parents often ask me for advice on parenting. Some worry about a spirited child and want her to calm down while other stress about a quiet child and want her to come out of her shell. On almost all occasions I find myself telling them to just let the child be. Am I an expert … Read more