The world is very different from the one we grew up in. What worked for our parents will not work for us. In the 21st century, parents have a greater role to play. Our workshops aim to show parents a path that can help them deal with some of the parenting issues in the 21st century. These parenting workshops can be held at any Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM), orientation function, annual day function, or any day suitable for the school.
Parenting Workshop: How to Raise Readers?
According to a report by ACER: And while 32% of children in Class III could read simple English words, up by 3.5 percentage points over 2009, in Class V, only one out of every four students could read an English sentence.
For the past twelve years, ASER findings have consistently pointed to the fact that many children in elementary school need urgent support for acquiring foundational skills like Reading. Even among youth in the age group 14- 18 years, who have completed eight years of schooling, a significant proportion still lack foundational skills like reading. A variety of tasks in daily life require reading and understanding written instructions. If children do not learn to read, they cannot read to learn.
Not only English but children should be encouraged to pick up a book in any language they prefer. Children may not have much reading time at school but parents can encourage their children to pick up books at home. Reading books helps in cognitive mental stimulation and brain exercising, enhancing the child’s imagination amongst many other benefits. This workshop focuses on how parents can help encourage their children to start reading.
Parenting Workshops: Parenting in the 21st Century
The world is very different from the one we grew up in. With the internet and technology, there remains no barrier. No barrier of culture. No barrier of information – which may create a cacophony that we can’t shun out. Parent’s in the 21st Century face new challenges. They may be less worried about their child’s new friend compared to what the child is watching on the mobile device. What worked with us will not work with our children. In the 21st Century, parents have a greater role to play – they have to be more responsible and careful. They need to spend more time with their children, yet not be intrusive.
This workshops addresses various issues of Parenting in the 21st Century and tries to provide a direction to their solutions.
Parenting Workshop: Good Touch, Bad Touch!
NutSpace is on a mission to create mass awareness in children, parents, and teachers on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) by way of an innovative workshop that uses stories, songs, role play, and art activities to put across the message in an effective yet gentle manner. We are also happy to share that we are targeting this workshop for the age group 3-7 years – an age group where adults are not sure how to broach the subject. This one-hour long workshop is a parent-child-teacher workshop and will be conducted at your school.
In India, every second child is being exposed to one or the other form of sexual abuse and every fifth child faces critical forms of it. Related blog post on the topic: How to talk to Children about Bad Touch!