Stories for Parents

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  • life skills
  • diy
  • Language Development
  • playing
  • self-confidence
  • self-awareness
  • Cognitive Development
  • Object Permanence
  • Activity Idea
  • Screen Time
  • art and craft
  • hobby
  • Gratitude
  • Festival Stories
  • activity for toddlers
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • mindfulness exercises
  • activity
  • value system
  • creativity
  • card
  • Breastfeeding
  • Activity Ideas
  • coping with emotions
  • original story
  • inspirational story
  • breakthebias
  • life skill
  • decision making
  • kindness
  • sympathy
  • coping with stress
  • story
  • real life
  • Worksheets
  • Speaking Skills
  • English Language
  • self awareness
  • empathy
  • activities for kids
  • SDG
  • resilience
  • problem solving
  • early childhood development
  • friendship
  • Sex Education
  • children
  • Parenting
  • music
  • picture books for adults
  • Learn about Animals
  • values in children
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Book Recommendation
  • Creative Thinking
  • teachers
  • 21st Century Skills
  • Raising Readers
  • Storyteller
  • education
  • raising children
  • Mindfulness
  • Parents
  • preschool
  • school
  • gifted child
  • stories
  • leadership
  • vocabulary
  • vocabulary building
  • early years education
  • conflict
  • body parts
  • reading program
  • school program
  • teacher training
  • nursery rhymes
  • breaking stereotypes
  • reading
  • creative writing
  • book writing
  • Storytelling
  • Play Dates
  • women empowerment
  • phonics
  • babies
  • multidisciplinary classroom
  • teaching
  • autism

Unlocking Childhood Potential: The Power of Sensory and Messy Play in Early Development

Discover the science-backed benefits of sensory and messy play for kids! Learn how hands-on activities boost cognitive, motor, and social skills for a strong foundation in early childhood development.

My Little Fighter: A Story of Resilience

Here’s a personal story about a child’s resilience to overcome all odds and keep a brave front. A story about a mother and the lessons she learns on the way.

Importance of Child-Centric Early Childhood Development

Understand the dire need for a child-centric early childhood development as opposed to the western narratives

Stress In Children? How To Help Your Child Deal With Stress 

Stress is inevitable. You can’t avoid it completely, but there are ways to manage it. Find out how to help your child deal with stress.

Values I picked up in School: A Memoir

A tribute to my teachers who left an indelible mark on my soul. They laid a strong foundation for coping with the vicissitudes of the following years.

How Empathy Makes Us Better Human Beings?

Empathy is the ability to feel what another person feels. Empathy is a powerful emotion that can help us become better people – find out how!

Inspiring Story: Miracles are a Prayer Away

A true incident in the life of a little girl that reassured her that an act of kindness never goes wasted and that miracles happen and are only a prayer away.

What is Decision-Making & Why is it Important?

Decision-making is an essential life skill. We need to give our children the freedom to make their own decisions and guide them. This is how you can do it.

The Sky is the Limit: Story for Women’s Day

The Sky is The Limit by Rohini Vij is an inspiring story for women’s day, written keeping in mind this year’s international women’s day theme – #breakthebias.

Life Skill: Coping with Emotions

Coping with emotions is an important life skill. In this article, we try to understand what are emotions and how we can help children deal with emotions.

A Story Can Build a Thousand Qualities

Find out why storytelling is important and how it can help build life skills and other qualities in children.

Lessons on Problem Solving from My Childhood

Story of the day I felt abandoned until I realized that a problem is only as big as you make it and problem-solving cannot be a single-minded approach.

How to Develop Resilience in Children & Young Adults

Find out how we can build resilience in our children. Building resilience is the result of a combination of protective factors.

What is Resilience & Why is Resilience Important?

Resilience is important as it gives us the strength to process and overcome hardships. Building resilience helps cope & adapt to changing situations.

Quality Education: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)

Learn about sustainable development goals, the importance of education, and the target under SDG for quality education.

3 Types of Reading Routines to Enhance Reading Skills

3 reading routines that can be implemented in the classroom to improve reading skills and foster strong language & cognitive development.

What is Self Awareness & How to Build Self Awareness?

Being aware of one’s own strengths and shortcomings is necessary for self-improvement. Discover 4 activities to develop self-awareness in children.

Why Build Life Skills in Children in Early Years?

What are life skills & why are they important to build in the early years? Wont it be easier if one learns how to manage their emotions early in life?

The Importance of a Teacher: A True Story

What’s the importance of a teacher? A good teacher can shape the life of a child. This is my personal story of how one teacher gave me a perspective on life.

9 Benefits for Children with Fluent English Speaking Skills

English is not just any language; it is a language that can open the door of opportunities for anyone who can speak the language with utmost confidence.

How worried should we be about increasing screen time?

While the COVID-19 pandemic has made us all go loose with our rules around screen time, it might be a good time to rethink and rewire ourselves.

Highlights of NEP 2020: Building Life Skills in Children

The New National Education Policy in India lays stress on building life skills. This article highlights the key aspects of the NEP 2020.

How to Manage Behavioural Changes in Children during Covid-19?

How to manage behavioural changes in children during Covid-19 pandemic? For this article, we spoke to 3 experts and this article highlights their responses.

What are the Benefits of Storytelling / Reading Stories to Children?

Storytelling is an essential part of a child’s early development. This article provides insight into how to use storytelling with your kids and why it’s so important for their emotional and cognitive growth.

7 Activities to Develop Fine Motor Skills in Toddlers

Fine motor skills start developing from very early in life and play a huge role in many critical activities that the children engage in during their life.

Babies & Toddlers Learn Object Permanence by Playing Peekaboo

Playing peekaboo with your baby or toddler can help develop object permanence. Read more on how to play peekaboo and why you should play it.

Gratitude in the times of Covid-19

The world does not know how much it owes to the common kindness which so abound everywhere. J.R.Miller, The Beauty of Kindness So we too, like almost everyone, went over to our terrace at 5 pm yesterday, the day of the Janta curfew. It felt almost as if people got a task to do, finally, … Read more

10 Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

Here are some pointers that can help a new mother or mother-to-be in her breastfeeding journey. Breast milk is not just food, its potent medicine and a powerful medium of communication between mothers and babies.

Storytelling: The Defining Art of Learning

Storytelling helps build 21st century skills in children. This article points out why stories are an important tool for learning?

Benefits of Mindfulness & Mindfulness Exercises for Children

What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is a practice that all parents should consider teaching their children. Naturally, kids are usually mindful, especially in their play, but they later get to a stage that tuning in to their senses, emotions, and inner thoughts becomes elusive. This stage arises usually as a result of their lives being more … Read more

Friendship – An Important Life Skill

Nurturing Early-Childhood Friendships When I think about my growing up years, many memories come rushing back. Some of those memories are unpleasant exchanges with friends. As a child, I always had a tough time keeping friends. I suppose I got too attached and was slightly unlucky in the department. My friends and I always ended … Read more

Autism Awareness: For Teachers and Parents

Autism Awareness: How to deal with children with autism in the classroom and at home. How to identify children with autism?

Parents: How Far Should We Go To Reward Children?

As parents, you may feel a strong desire to reward your children every time they do something exceptional. But is it a good approach to show appreciation?

Parents: 6 Wrong Parenting Practices to Avoid

Each child is different. There is no handbook that can tell you exactly what to do. But there are some common mistakes parents make.

Parents: How to get Children ready for the Birth of a Sibling

If you are expecting another baby in the house, it is important to prepare your first-born for the changes.

Parents: How to Talk to Children about Porn?

33% of Internet traffic is porn. One is definitely going to come across it if they are on the internet. So how do we talk to our children about it?

3 Tips on How to Raise a Well Balanced Child

This blog highlights 3 things you can do as a parent to raise a confident child. Do not label your child. Encourage social development and discipline.

Sex Education: 5 Reasons to include it in the Classroom

Over time the debate about including sex education in the formal educational system has become polarised. Some people think it is unnecessary, while others advocate sex education for all students. It is all about helping the young ones.

Parents & Teachers: Why You Need to Think Beyond Nursery Rhymes

Neuroscience studies provide evidence that given the opportunity of regular varied and creative music provision, children in early years can develop the neural pathways that provide strong foundations not only for literacy and maths but for learning generally.

Parents: 5 Books to Explore along with Your Child

5 Books that parents / guardians should read along with their children.

How to Choose the best preschool for your child?

As parents we always want to choose the best preschool for our child. Here are 10 things you need to keep in mind while choosing a preschool for your child.

What is Phonics & How to Raise Readers using Phonics

This article focuses on what is phonics and why phonics needs to be implemented in Indian schools as a separate subject. Primary school teachers need to be trained in phonics to help raise readers in the the classroom.

Do Parents & Educators Kill the Child’s Creativity?

As parents and educators, let’s not kill creativity. Killing or fostering creativity in our children is eventually our choice. This article has some tips.

Parents: How to talk to your Child about Breasts?

Some tips on how you could talk to your child about breasts and breastfeeding. Children aged 4 and above may ask you why women have breasts.

5 Tips for Parenting Together | How to Avoid Conflicts?

How many times as parents do we feel that our decisions, instructions, and rules get bent by not only one’s parents/in-laws but also by our spouse?

Parents: How to Build Rich Vocabulary in Children

Read this article to find out how you can help build your child’s vocabulary in the early years. Watch a video on how to improve your child’s vocabulary.

How to Accept and Embrace Your Role as a Father?

Fatherly roles have changed over the years. While your own father may have played a ‘breadwinner’ role and your mother was your nurturer, times have changed and it is more acceptable for a father to take a more fulfilling role in their child’s life. This has many benefits for your child but also for you … Read more

Parents: 3 Ways to Reduce Passive Screen Time for Children

3 things a parent, especially of a young one, must do while providing them screentime. We can make screentime active rather than passive.

Parents: 23 Books to Read to Your Child (from 0-7 years)

Reading books regularly to your child can help in their development. Here are 23 books recommended by experts for your child aged 0-7 years.

Parents: Learn about the Impact of Storytelling

Stories are effective as the brain processes the imagination the same way as reality. Stories can put the whole brain to work & ensures learning for life.

How Storytelling can Create a Multi-disciplinary Classroom

A multi-disciplinary imparts subject knowledge and also makes learning an exciting part of growing up years. Find out how stories and storytelling can do that.

9 Tips on How to Prepare your Child for Preschool

Breathe, relax and enjoy this fascinating new phase in your child’s life. Here are some tips on how you can prepare your child for preschool.

Is screen time good or bad for children?

Digital media exposure for children of all ages should be limited, according to new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Children 18 months and younger should be given no screen time. Children between the age of 2 to 5 may be given screen time upto one hour per day. Read the article on CNN. How … Read more

Save English with Early Systematic Synthetic Phonics Program

Punctuations: I am retiring. Period. Grammar: Are you, now? And, pray, what am I supposed to do? I feel dejected. Spellings: You cannot comprehend the anguish of being stripped off your beauty and be turned into something barely recognisable. Creativity: Whine all you want. No one is listening. Pay heed, my friends, to the era … Read more

Story of Durga: Breaking Stereotypes & Women Empowerment

.Find out how the story of Durga breaks so many of the stereotypes we have built around womanhood.

Why Play Dates are important for your Child?

Play dates help build 21st century skills ‘If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play. If you want team players, problem solvers and collaborators, give them enough time to play together.’ When is the right time to start a play date for your child? The sooner the better. Children are beings of … Read more

How to Write a Story using the NutSpace Tool

How to write a story? A question most often asked by anyone who wants to start writing. This article discusses the NutSpace tool to write an effective story.

5 Steps to Build Self-Confidence and Lose Your Inhibitions

Inhibitions are not just a part of growing up but can be a part of a grown-up as well. Find out how you can build self-confidence.

Stereotypes: Are you killing your child’s imagination?

What is ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ in this perfect world. Why not let children explore them instead of us instilling stereotypes to kill their imagination.

WHO’s 10 Core Life Skills & Why We Teach Them

Life skills are behaviours that enable individuals to adapt and deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. At NutSpace we focus on building these skills along with other literacy skills.

Why Children Need Social-Emotional Skills?

According to a World Economic Forum, children need to be equipped with Social and Emotional skills to be able to thrive in the workplace of the future.

3 Essential Values Children need for the Future

3 Essential Values Children need for the Future: Patience and Dealing with Change; Compassion and Collaboration; Embracing Failure.

How to introduce Animals to Preschoolers?

Introduce Animals to Children by using theme based learning, activities and play. Here is a list of 8 things that you can do with your children.

10 Reasons: Why Picture Books are Good for Adults

Picture books are essential for both children and adults. It triggers imagination not just in kids but also in adults, since a lot is left on interpretation.

Why repetition is important for child development?

Learning, or the growth of neural connections in the brain, is strengthened through repetition. Repetition is important in child development.

Instil Values in Your Child with Storytelling

When you accept something or someone you dislike it leads to tranquility. When you don’t it leads to hostility, jealousy and negativity.”

Parents: 3 Reasons to focus on 21st Century Skills than on Tuitions

Jobs of tomorrow will be very different from today. The world is changing and so should we. We need problem solvers, critical thinkers, team players, and happy individuals who are compassionate.

Raising a Gifted Child

When I was in school I remember the music teacher’s daughter used to play the sitar very well. Since she had the talent in her genes and of course access to the right training she was adept at the instrument from an early age. I remember how she was called upon in almost every school … Read more

What is your Child Learning at School?

What is your Child Learning at School? More importantly how effective is the learning. Education today needs to become Inventive.

Things to Play With Your Child at Home

The other day I saw Viraaj playing with his toys but he seemed a little uncomfortable. He was shifting restlessly, getting up and sitting every once in a while, I even caught him wobbling his knees. I was looking at him from the other room and this behaviour got me slightly worried so I walked … Read more

Pretty Little Lies and more About Threenagers

The other day I was sitting in my studio and working on something when Viraaj came and asked me for a candy. I discourage anything sweet after six in the evening, so obviously I said no. And then I heard a toffee wrapper opening in the next room. At first I ignored the sound, but … Read more

Dealing with Indiscipline in the Classroom

It is difficult for teachers when the school is marred with indiscipline. This article is an account of indiscipline from the point of view of a teacher.

The Religion of Love & Humanity

We got back from a short Christmas vacation and I connected to the Internet after five days to realise it is the time of the year when everyone on social media is bidding adieu to the present year and anticipating a great new year ahead. Amidst the various new year resolutions I also stumbled upon … Read more

Dental Hygiene for Children

First or ‘baby’ teeth have usually developed before your child is born and will start to come through at around 6 months. All 20 baby teeth should be through by the age of two-and-a-half. The first permanent ‘adult’ molars (back teeth) will appear at about 6 years, behind the baby teeth and before the first … Read more

How to Talk to Children about Death?

A few months ago, my 2.5 year old son started developing a new fear. He was, suddenly, awfully scared of dogs. When we would switch-off the lights at bedtime he would say, “Don’t switch-off the light, doggy will come.” Clearly I was troubled by this new phase, and considering I have never taken the route … Read more

Being Dad: Roles you may play as a Father

This may be the first post by a dad on this platform and I hope it can inspire a few other fathers to write and share their experiences. The idea for this post struck me after a few friends and I were intoxicated enough to talk about fatherhood, our experiences as sons, our expectations from our … Read more

Travelling with a Toddler – The Dos and Don’ts

Travelling with a baby / toddler has its challenges. Here’s a copious list of dos and don’ts drawn out by a hands-on mommy who recently enjoyed a fabulous get away with her husband and toddler. We hope you to can draw some learnings from her experiences and make your vacation, with your child, a truly … Read more

Is the academic pressure in schools today eating into childhood?

Today I spoke to a friend from school after years. She, too, is a mother now to a feisty six-year-old. She was rather concerned about her daughter’s poor performance, in terms of grades, in school. The poor grades have been de-motivating her, so much so, that she is suddenly very low in self-esteem. On delving … Read more

Bake at Home: Cheese Straws

You will need: 100 gm Cheese 50 gm Flour 1 tsp. Baking Powder 50 gm. Butter 1 Egg cheese grater, mixing bowl, teaspoon, knife, 2 small bowls, wooden spoon, flat tray, baking sheet, strainer / sieve. Click on the images to see the instructions:

Sharing the world of Books with my Daughters

“Sharing the magical world of books with my daughters, just like my mother did” “Books are the quietest and the most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and the wisest of counsellors and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles W. Elliot “You know, it would be great if you could write a … Read more

‘You’ and ‘I’ and the Happiness Within

‘You’ and ‘I’ and the happiness within. How can we create a happier world?  It is often said happiness comes from within but how often have we paid attention to what it implies? If a person is unhappy, no amount of money, success and love can change the feeling for good. Happiness comes to those who … Read more

Hug Card for Father’s Day!

Father’s Day is a week away ( 15th June ), make this card and make his day ! Supplies you will require: Art Sheet Glue A pair of scissors Paintbrush Some Paint Plate Step 1:  Spread some paint on a plate Step 2:  Dip your child’s hands in the paint and take a print of the … Read more

Children are Citizens of the World: Born with no Languages

Parents don’t introduce a foreign language to a child thinking that the child will get confused. But, babies are capable of processing all kinds of information.

How to Deal with Hitting Behaviour in Toddlers?

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind Do not take it lightly when your child is hitting or biting Just the other day I was called aside by my two and a half year old’s play group teacher and as I straightened up for ‘the talk’ my mind raced with a zillion … Read more

My Daughter, My Reflection!

We have all read and heard elders say how children are a reflection of their parents, their surroundings. I never really thought much about this till my own daughter started growing up. Giving a little context, I have a delightful little girl who is 4.5 years old now. The moment she started speaking her first … Read more

When is the right time to begin reading to your child?

For starters you should start talking to your baby as soon as you find out you have company. Yes! It’s true. I know it might seem silly to talk to your tummy; well it did to me…

How to Explain Children Good Touch, Bad Touch?

Did you know two out of every three children in India are sexually abused? This article talks about the importance of making children aware of bad touch.

Why Should You Read to Your Child?

Parents often ask me for advice on parenting. Some worry about a spirited child and want her to calm down while other stress about a quiet child and want her to come out of her shell. On almost all occasions I find myself telling them to just let the child be. Am I an expert … Read more