‘You’ and ‘I’ and the Happiness Within

‘You’ and ‘I’ and the Happiness Within

‘You’ and ‘I’ and the happiness within. How can we create a happier world?  It is often said happiness comes from within but how often have we paid attention to what it implies? If a person is unhappy, no amount of money, success and love can change the feeling for good. Happiness comes to those who … Read more

How to Deal with Hitting Behaviour in Toddlers?

How to Deal with Hitting Behaviour in Toddlers?

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind Do not take it lightly when your child is hitting or biting Just the other day I was called aside by my two and a half year old’s play group teacher and as I straightened up for ‘the talk’ my mind raced with a zillion … Read more

My Daughter, My Reflection!

My Daughter, My Reflection!

We have all read and heard elders say how children are a reflection of their parents, their surroundings. I never really thought much about this till my own daughter started growing up. Giving a little context, I have a delightful little girl who is 4.5 years old now. The moment she started speaking her first … Read more

Why Should You Read to Your Child?

Why Should You Read to Your Child?

Parents often ask me for advice on parenting. Some worry about a spirited child and want her to calm down while other stress about a quiet child and want her to come out of her shell. On almost all occasions I find myself telling them to just let the child be. Am I an expert … Read more