Instilling Values in Children with Stories

I Made Sedia - Get Inspired

I Made Sidia is a world-renowned Wayang Puppeteer and trainer, based in Bali. I had the opportunity to interview him during my trip to Bali and also watch him, his son and his daughter perform. In his interview, he emphasizes the importance of storytelling ( in whatever form ) and how it can help instil values in children. Stories can also help community building and can keep a dying culture alive. For more watch the video.

Why Should You Read to Your Child?

Why Should You Read to Your Child?

Parents often ask me for advice on parenting. Some worry about a spirited child and want her to calm down while other stress about a quiet child and want her to come out of her shell. On almost all occasions I find myself telling them to just let the child be. Am I an expert … Read more